A Common Need for a Christ-Centered Message

The why behind what we do isn’t the advancement of political agendas nor influencing the institutions of society. The why behind what we do isn’t dead traditionalism nor arbitrary innovation. The message of Jesus is the why behind what we do.

Whether in service within our community or services at our church, the focus will always be Jesus, the Son of God - the central figure of the Bible, our hope, joy, and eternal salvation. That message is the best thing we can offer the Region - after all, it is the best message in the world: it’s the message of our God rescuing us and winning for us eternal life in heaven!

That’s what we’re all about at Our Shepherd: the good news of Jesus, the Son of God, and Savior of the world. We’re a diverse family united by a common Savior, growing together in faith, and firmly dedicated to living and sharing the joy we have in Jesus within the communities of the Region. Our logo creatively tells that very story:

Our Shepherd Logo Instagram.png
  • The Our Shepherd logo is comprised of four different colors: red, green, blue, and purple. These colors signify the diversity of the communities of the Region. No matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you’ve done, you’ll be reminded every Sunday that Jesus is for you.

  • These four colors also correspond with traditional colors used in churches throughout a given church year. Similarly, the tones reflect attributes of our church (warmth, growth, life, passion, energy).

  • The color scheme and design alludes to stained glass, a traditional focal point in Christian churches. These four colors exactly correspond with the colors of the stained-glass windows within Our Shepherd.

  • The lines of color allude to the business and rapid development within the Region. Northwest Indiana is a ‘crossroad’ of increasing traffic and business.

  • The cross has both symmetrical and asymmetrical features. This signifies our desire to strike a healthy balance between appreciation of our Christian heritage while also incorporating new, modern innovations in our worship, our language, and our outreach. No matter what we do, it always centers on Christ.

The logo also incorporates three significantly historic symbols for Jesus: the cross, the chi-rho, and the shepherd’s staff.

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  • The cross is a widespread symbol for Jesus. It was on a cross that Jesus, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29) died to save the world and win our forgiveness.

  • The chi-rho (☧) is an ancient Christian symbol for Jesus, comprised of a chi (Χ) and rho (ρ), the first two letters in the Greek for ‘Christ’ (Χριστός). You can see the chi-rho rendered by the green panes of the cross.

  • The shepherd staff is also a symbol synonymous with Jesus, the Good Shepherd (John 10, Psalm 23). A loving shepherd not only provides for his sheep, but he protects them. Our God grows and strengthens our faith through Word and Sacrament. The symbol of the shepherd’s staff is also rendered by the green panes.

The combination of colors and symbols tell a story not only about who we are at Our Shepherd, but who we are about - Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for the sheep. We find a common identity at the cross, in Christ, the Good Shepherd.